

发布时间:2014/11/10  阅读次数:586


“语言学与汉语教学国际论坛(IFOLICE)”是一个旨在提倡以坚实的语言学研究为基础促进与提升汉语二语教学的学术年会。论坛由美国、北 京和香港八所大学的有关同仁共同发起并轮流组织,自2015年起在美国、香港和北京轮流举行。每届论坛的论文 将经过严格评审,择优结集出版。

将汉语作为第二语言和外语的教学 建立于扎实的语言学研究之上,将语言学的先进研究成果转化应用于汉语教学之中,是提升汉语教学水准和品质之所必需,也是以赵元任先生为代表的现 代汉语语言学与汉语教学开拓者所确立的优秀传统。“语言学与汉语教学国际论坛”诚邀各国同行先进共同发扬这一传统,交流新知,分享卓见,携手推动汉语教学学科的不断发展。

第一届“语言学与汉语教学国际论坛”(IFOLICE-1)由加州大学戴维斯分校与哥伦比亚大学共同主办,将于2015年5月9-10日在加州大学戴维斯分校举行。论坛规模50-60人,将从提交的论文中选择近20篇作论坛报告(每个报告30分钟,含问答时间),并安排一个全体参与、互动对 话的圆桌讨论。为论坛所接受但未列入论坛报告的论文将在圆桌讨论时段专题交流,并参与结集文章的评审选择。论文选将结集为《语言学与汉语教学(Linguistics in Chinese Education)》第一卷,由北京语言大学出版社出版。论文摘要被接受的所有作者在论坛开幕三周前提交论文全文或详细提 纲,以方便交流研讨。


· 用MS Word文档,分两页:第一页写清摘要的 题目、2-3个关键词、作者姓名、工作单位以及联系方式(含电子邮箱)。第二页为摘要正文(含题目),长度 限一页纸内,中、英文皆可,但要完全匿名。
· 每人作为独立作者或第一作者只可提交一篇论文摘 要,同时还可作为非第一作者合作提交另一篇摘要。
· 请以电子邮件的附件发至[email protected] ,本届论坛不接受其他方式的投稿。


论文报告人免注册费,其他参会者注册费每人80美 元,学生减半(因人力
所限, 注册后如不能与会,恕不退费);论坛提供会议材料和5月9日至

储诚志 Chu, Chengzhi, University of California, Davis加州大学戴维斯分校
刘乐宁 Liu, Lening, Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学

周质平 Chou, Chih-Ping, Princeton University 普林斯顿大 学
储诚志 Chu, Chengzhi, University of California, Davis加州大学戴维斯分校
冯胜利 Feng, Shengli, Chinese University of Hong Kong香港中文大学
刘乐宁 Liu, Lening, Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学
孙朝奋 Sun, Chaofen, Stanford University 斯坦福大学
孙德 金 Sun, Dejin, Beijing Language and Culture University 北京语言大学
张英 Zhang, Ying, Peking University 北京大学
朱永平 Zhu, Yongping, University of Notre Dame 圣母大学

联 系邮箱:[email protected]

The First International Forum on Linguistics in Chinese Education Call for Papers

The International Forum on Linguistics in Chinese Education (IFOLICE) is organized as an annual conference dedicated to exploring and promoting applications of cutting-edge linguistic research within different frameworks in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. It has long been recognized that linguistic studies have an essential role to perform in second language teaching. As observed in the great tradition pioneered by Yuen Ren Chao and others, for its robust development, Chinese L2 teaching should be bottomed on a solid basis of Chinese linguistics. With such an understanding, IFOLICE is intended to serve as a premier forum, inviting scholars from around the world to share insightful research and new advances in the domain of interest.

The establishment of IFOLICE is a joint-effort of a group of colleagues of the field from eight universities in the United States, Beijing, and Hong Kong. Debuting in 2015, the IFOLICE annual conference is to be held rotationally among the three locations. Selected IFOLICE papers of each annual conference will be published as a volume of the Linguistics in Chinese Education book series.

The first IFOLICE conference (IFOLICE-1) is to be jointly sponsored by the University of California, Davis and Columbia University, and will be held at the University of California, Davis from May 9-10, 2015. With an expected size of 50-60 participants, IFOLICE-1 will select about 20 papers for plenary presentations (30 minutes each, including Q&A;), and organize a 2-hour roundtable for interactive discussions on other accepted papers grouped under several topics. All the accepted papers of the conference will be considered for including in Linguistics in Chinese Education (Vol. 1) to be published by the Beijing Language and Culture University Press. To facilitate forum discussions, all the authors of accepted proposals shall submit their full papers or detailed outlines of the papers no later than three weeks before the opening of the conference. To submit a proposal for IFOLICE-1, please follow the specifications below.

Transformation and application of findings of Chinese linguistics within diverse theoretical paradigms

Abstract submission:
Abstracts can be written in either Chinese or English; should be no more than one page in length in MS Word format, with English font size 12 pt or Chinese font “small 4”;
· To ensure unbiased reviews, all abstracts shall be anonymous.
· Include a separate page with the title of the paper, 2-3 keywords, and the author's name, affiliation, and contact information (including email).
· Each person may submit no more than one single-authored or first-authored abstract in addition to one joint-authored abstract.
· All abstracts should be submitted by email to [email protected].

Important Dates:
· Abstract submission deadline: January 6, 2015
· Notice of acceptance (by email): by January 26, 2015
· Presenter registration online for program scheduling: by March 15, 2015
· Non-presenter registration online: by April 20, 2015
· Submission of full papers or detailed outlines: by April 20, 2015
· Conference date: May 9-10, 2015
· Submission of final draft of papers: by August 20, 2015

Registration Fees:
Registration fees will be $80 per person, and $40 for students. Paper
presenters will register for free. All fees received will be non-refundable. Conference materials as well as the meals of May 9th and lunch of the 10th will be provided. Participants shall bear all other expenses incurred.

Organizers (in alphabetic order):
Chengzhi Chu, University of California, Davis
Lening Liu, Columbia University

IFOLICE Funding Members and Organizing Committee (in alphabetic order):
Chih-Ping Chou, Princeton University
Chengzhi Chu, University of California, Davis
Shengli Feng, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lening Liu, Columbia University
Chaofen Sun, Stanford University
Dejin Sun, Beijing Language and Culture University
Ying Zhang, Peking University
Yongping Zhu, University of Notre Dame

Contact Email:[email protected]

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